
If you want to post your lyrics on sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Apple Music, Amazon Music Alexa, YouTube, Spotify and Tidal, we suggest that you use Musixmatch.

Musixmatch is the music industry’s preferred provider of lyrics with millions individuals contributing to creating the largest catalogue of lyrics in the world. Adding the lyrics of your songs to your releases helps your fans get a fuller experience of your music which can be experienced on most of the main social networks and streaming services.

Our deliveries to stores and streaming sites worldwide allow you to utilse the tools at Musixmatch.

Musixmatch is free to use.

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Sign up

Firstly you’ll need a  Verified Artist profile on Musixmatch so you can add and synchronize your lyrics after the release of the song. The song must be out on Spotify and/or Apple Music.

Verified artists are able to manage and distribute their own lyric catalogue on any international music channel – such as Spotify or Instagram.

How to add, edit and sync lyrics to Musixmatch:

  • Download the Musixmatch desktop app
  • Sign in with your previously registered account
  • Connect your streaming service
  • Play your song. (You can play it from Spotify, iTunes or Windows Media Player and Musixmatch will show the lyrics automatically)
  • If your lyrics aren’t available as yet, click “Add lyrics” and enter your lyrics
  • Review / Edit the lyrics.